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Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Present:  Daryl Bell, Robyn, Brown, Judith Wolfe, Mary Ellen Halliwell, Roberta Clement, Sandra Power, Shirley Walker, Ellen Talkowsky and Jason Silva

Daryl brought the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.  

Old Business:  

Traffic Island Program – Salem Academy sponsored Riley Plaza.  Un-sponsored traffic islands include in front of Witch House, Salem Inn, discount rate to $150 for remainder of the summer due to late sponsorship.  Salem Common island needs sponsorship/Sandi will get Alisha’s expenses for reimbursement.  Mill Hill island.  Robert has the SCNA sign from an un-sponsored island.

Bench Repair – Roberta inventoried benches at Lafayette Park (all were filthy) and the Willows.  Some need repair, some just paint.  Ellen to contact Home Depot.

MBTA Plantings – Mary Ellen is submitting a proposal for work to train station.  Hoping for permit to do work.  Adil is trying to clean out rock islands.  Submitting letter from Committee to MBTA.

Graffiti – Jason spoke re: status.  Judith informed Committee of her inventory of the City, including primarily postal and City properties that needed graffiti removal.  Need for removal and preventative measures.

North Salem Park – Mary Ellen would like to put plantings in Furlong Park on Franklin Street.

New Business:  

Committee’s role when attending another committee’s meeting and representing personal views as opposed Committee views.  It was decided that it would be best to meet prior to attending other committee meetings.

Jason informed Committee of signage committee that was being formed.  A program has been designed, where to start, with small amount of funds on-hand.  Kiosks and parking signs.  Replacement and refurbishment.

Traffic Island Competition – Daryl to represent Committee as Judge, Robyn will back-up, if needed.

Artist’s Row – Sharon Shea, contacted Committee re: plantings, weeding, repair, clean-up.

Shirley will approach Peabody Essex Museum re: keeping area clean on pedestrian mall.
Meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.  Next meeting will be on Tuesday, August 28th @ 7:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Robyn Brown, Secretary